HINTS Page for “Axiom of the Empty Set”

  1. All number answers are digits, not words

  2. All word answers are lower case

  3. No word answers use prepositions (such as “the” or “a”)

  4. Multiple word answers include spaces


  1. Which bone of the body holds our thoughts?

  2. The singular of what the salt holds in his hands.

  3. See Figure 1, the morse code key, below. The answer has three words. All lower case, and when inputting, include spaces.

  4. The cipher key is used to determine the letters of the alphabet. The cipher is a simple substitution. Hint: It’s a combination of two traditional tarot cards.

  5. There is more to the keys than meets the eye.

  6. The three letter password to the last vignette can be found by placing the ingredients in the order in the text and using the letters for each ingredient at the bottom of the clue.

  7. The final puzzle involves the numbers on the tarot cards found throughout the narrative. Find the password to the final screen and claim your prize! No further hints: To get the prize, this one’s on you…

Figure 1.

Figure 2.


Figure 3.